Our Passion

We loved our experience with Litchfield Farm Direct. They provided excellent quality and variety of locally grown produce. I was so happy to feed my family fresh fruits and veggies daily!
— Megan M.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way to buy local food directly from a farmer. In our case its 14 weeks or more of fresh vegetables like pictured above every week.

We all want our families to have the best food we can get. The difficulty in finding farm fresh vegetables locally is that first, farms are scarce in Fairfield County. Second, while we can get ‘fresh’ food at supermarkets we never really know where it comes from and how long ago was it picked? Much of our food at supermarkets are harvested many days ahead of time, shipped across the country or multiple countries before it hits our shelves. Yes, farmers markets are great but with kids and busy schedules it’s not always easy to get there.

It has become a passion of ours to grow and harvest fresh food. Fresh food just tastes different, better in some way, more flavorful. Sometimes, our CSA produce is harvested just hours before delivery. Litchfield Farm Direct (LFD) is our way to bring the fresh bounty of Litchfield County directly to you. Weekly deliveries to your door or direct pickup options are available. The best way to enjoy this is by participation in our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA’s are a relationship between you and our farms. By participating, you help famers get an early cash flow to purchase seeds, fertilizer and pay for labor, equipment and repairs. It’s a huge benefit to farmers who otherwise don’t have cashflow for weeks and weeks. Consumers benefit by developing a direct line from themselves to the farm.

Our CSA will be approximately 14+ weeks from mid June to October. Each week you will receive a basket of vegetables. The baskets will vary and grow in size as the season progresses and the harvests mature. We will try our best to let you know what is coming in your basket whenever possible. We aim to maximize the variety and diversity each week! Participants in the pickup option will have the option of utilizing our exchange basket where you can swap one item in your basket for another item that’s perhaps a family favorite.

The CSA boxes were fresh and overflowing week after week with an amazing variety of food, most of it new to my kids and some new to me. Trying new foods and new recipes was a joy and further sparked my kids’ interest in growing some of our own food.
— Courtney

Full Share

Our large baskets are designed to be enough for a family of four. Contents will vary week to week according to what is maturing and ready for harvest.

Same as full share only 1/2 the size!

1/2 Share